Nos Hébergements pour Votre Séjour de Pêche en Bosnie | Paradise Flyfishing
Bienvenue chez Paradise Flyfishing, où chaque moment de votre séjour de pêche en Bosnie est soigneusement conçu pour allier confort et immersion dans la nature. Découvrez nos options d'hébergement, toutes sélectionnées avec le plus grand soin pour vous offrir une expérience inoubliable.
Why did I want to create
Paradise FlyFishing?
You know my love for Bosnia and more particularly for Republika Srpska,
its rivers almost free of pollution, crystal clear waters, and above all wild fish in quantity and beauty. Not to mention incredible fishing quality. A true paradise for fly fishing.
This is why I wanted to introduce this paradise to as many of you as fly fishermen.

An extraordinary adventure
Bosnia Herzegovina and moreparticularly the
Republika Srpska (Serb Republic of Bosnia), it is peasant and family a valley identical to that of France before its post-World War II industrialization which is reduced to 1 or 2 cows, a few sheep, and a few poultry, small corn plots, natural meadows (we still see haystacks in the countryside), and no irrigation... No or little direct discharge of wastewater into the river despite the fact that they have also abandoned the equivalent of our Marseille soap of yesteryear. The only notable rejection must be that of fish farming. Water from a karst watershed, where there is no intensive agriculture on the plateaus.
So without this cancer of agro-industry the rivers there are in excellent health, which translates into an excellent population of grayling and trout...
In short, it's just happiness...